What is Chemical Bonding? Chemical Bonding refers to the formation of a chemical bond between two or more atoms, molecules, or ions to give rise to a chemical compound. These chemical bonds are what keep the atoms together in the resulting compound. The attractive force which holds various constituents (atom, ions, etc.) together and stabilizes them by the overall loss of energy is known as chemical bonding. Therefore, it can be understood that chemical compounds are reliant on the strength of the chemical bonds between its constituents; The stronger the bonding between the constituents, the more stable the resulting compound would be. The opposite also holds true; if the chemical bonding between the constituents is weak, the resulting compound would lack stability and would easily undergo another reaction to give a more stable chemical compound (containing stronger bonds). To find stability, the atoms try to lose their energy. Whenever matter interacts wit...
FB Simplified education. I actually created this to educate the world on the basics of the sciences. We see that a lot of things are thought in classrooms but we don't actually do how real They are, So in this channel, I teach you practically by showing what am talking about. We all know that we learn a lot more when we watch videos than when we read. This channel will go a long way to open your Brian to see all that you learn in school practically.